Dillon and Sharon have been teaching art for over 20 years. Their dream is to see the continuation of artistic talent to thrive and grow through the ages.

Dillon and Sharon have been teaching art for over 20 years. Their dream is to see the continuation of artistic talent to thrive and grow through the ages.

Huang Family Art Scholarship


Dillon and Sharon have devoted their lives to the world of art. From creating to teaching, the two of them have experienced so much from the art industry. As they continue to educate in the art world, they believe now is the time to give back to the community that has been so rewarding to them.


To promote the growth of visual fine arts in Calgary and Canada amongst youth and the immigrant communities.

Application Criteria

  • Albertan Resident

  • Admitted into Art Program/Degree

  • Between ages 16 to 22

If you would like to be notified with news and updates regarding the Huang Family Art Scholarship, please leave your name and email address below.